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Meeting Notes – 14th November 2022

By November 17, 2022No Comments


  • Mission statement
  • Business structure
  • Website / logo precedent

Website / image precedent:


Agree – 

  • simple logo, type based (never with image)
  • but also place to have an alternate logo based on imagery around ‘lifting up’ (maybe silhouette) 
  • So a small group of images / logos e.g. Nike, swoosh and Michael Jordan silhouette but never together

Mission statement discussion:

Needs to be really accessible – NOT a paragraph, maybe bullet points… 

For neurodivergents their first language is energetic – language might not be clearest form 

Current Vision Statement “Setting kids up through good communication and relationships to succeed”

Not quite right… challenging mainstream narratives about what it means to succeed (see action below)

Could our logo in words be ‘Allez Oop’ – which represents our vision statement 

And then our mission statement be represented by three images

  • Allez oop – circus image
  • The catch – circus image of trapeze artist catching another artist
  • Allez oop – Basketball, which represents the evolution and diversification of an idea (meaning but so anchored back to setting someone else up to be successful) all about team work, communication, trust, bravery… very intentionally slotting a basketball image into circus imagery… 

Challenge will be to have unity between the three images so they are so very clearly linked and part of a set. So then the main logo, the text has to somehow bring these together.

Mission statement:

New words that feel really important:

  • Anchor
  • Launch / leap
  • Play forward – offensive play – we are not on the defence
  • “Ta-da” (maybe a secondary logo) – celebration; What we want for our kids is massive great big fat joyous lives

“We are the anchors that launch our kids into triumph and celebration”

3 actions:

  1. BASE – From a place of anchoring and secure attachment – the set up – in this, where the communication, trust, anticipation and belief this will work… the anchoring itself is offensive  – the offensive play
  2. ACTION – Then – THE LEAP – (of acrobat or mutual leap of basketball players
  3. THE FEAT – the ta da – when those two things come together – anchor + leap is amazing fucking things – one without the other is disaster… 

We are designed to leap – but for some of us we don’t have the anchor the secure attachment to make the feat.

The feat is 

  • Glory 
  • Glorious
  • magnificent

We are the changemakers, the circus performers, the basketball players, the Greta Thunberg’s…

In the Allez Oop we are never looking at the anchor… who gets the applause?

We are asking parents, carers, educators to take the anchor role, but it is about collaboration… 

Our job as parents – to be quiet and steadfast in the background

But also – our role as Allez Oop – is about facing outward, about helping others advocate for themselves… collaboratively writing scripts with each

They are about communication, collaboration and synchronicity

In circus – when the FEAT happens, it is because it has been practiced 6000 times, with a net

So – our mission statement is a narrative – three separate ideas


We are here to be anchors for our kids

We are here to provide a firm steady reliable base

To practice collaboration, communication, working together


And we practice that to a level of fluidity that means that they can LEAP

They can leap with confidence and faith and trust 

That they will always land or be caught

Our children will leap anyway, they need to do that from a safe base


The culmination of those two things is the momentous, glorious, magnificent triumph that is our children becoming their most authentic selves and being valued by society for that….


  • Jennifer look at vision statement and re-write
  • Stuart to have a the list of ideas above re logo (and website)